Here’s What I Made My First Full Year in Business (yes, with real numbers!)

You think that because you’re not going to replace your day job income right away, you shouldn’t launch your business.

You think that quitting your stable job will make you look like a flake.

You think that since you’ve been side hustling for 6ish months and you don’t have 1000 newsletter subscribers and $5K of income each month, that you should throw in the towel.

You think that because your partner doesn’t see your vision – and/or tells you that you need to match your day job income while you’re side hustling before you can quit your job (ahem) – that you’ll never succeed.

But what I know is this:

In March of 2010, I gave my notice at my Executive Assistant job to be a business coach for creative women. It was a recession. I was giving up my 401K match, a guaranteed $60K/year base salary, and a yearly bonus.

Did I do it because I had 1000 newsletter subscribers? Or because I was making $5K/month coaching? Or because I had dozens of clients banging down my door, begging to work with me?


Did I give my notice and wonder if I was blowing up my life, while trusting myself and my track record anyway?


In this video, I spell out my Year One financials, using real numbers and everything

I need to remind you that your business is a marathon and not a sprint. I need to show you that a business that starts small can grow to support you and fund your big dreams. I need you to know that your future self can be making one of these videos and marveling at how far you’ve come, too.


What to Expect When You Change Careers to Become an Entrepreneur


How To Talk To Your Partner About Starting Your Own Business (So They’ll Jump On Board)