Carmen Torbus


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Carmen Torbus
“I now have a clear offering that resonates with my ideal clients”

I had been offering 1:1 services and knew I was ready to transition into a different type of offering, but I wasn't clear on how to pull that together. I was stuck on how to package and present it and honestly, I was feeling a bit defeated. As a result of 90 Day Business Launch, I was able to bring my vision to life on my website and more importantly, I now have a clear offering that resonates with my ideal clients. I've learned that when I have structure, a timeline and support, I can finish what I start. My inner critic isn't quite as loud now and when she does speak up, I have more tools in place to navigate the conversation. My biggest takeaway from this program is that massive progress can be made in a small amount of time when that time is focused on the right tasks, quality resources are used and you have guidance.


Ruth Littlejohn


Sunita Puleo