Courtney Fanning


Courtney Fanning 2.PNG

Why did you decide to sign up for 90 Day Business Launch in late 2018?

I knew that I could have all the motivation and gumption in the world, but unless I had some sort of structure or process in place, my business would live inside my head forever. I decided to work with you first and foremost because it was clear that you’ve worked with a ton of creative professionals like myself and know what works and what doesn’t. There would be no time wasted. The clincher was your positive, you-CAN-do-it-and-you-WILL-do-it energy. Starting a dream business can cause all those awful uncertainties and doubts to come out of the woodwork, but with you, I knew I wasn’t taking a blind leap into the unknown. More like a carefully calculated leap with a clear and visible landing pad at the end!

What were you doing work-wise when we started working together – and what are you doing now?

For four years, I had given everything I had to my previous employer and in the end, found that the daily frustrations and abuses were not serving me as a person or a professional. Building on a decade of experience as a creative marketer and brand strategist, the timing felt right back then to leave that all behind and focus on work that better aligned with my values. 

Big Picture Branding is my brain-child, and I’ve been all in since my launch in January 2019! It serves up brand strategy and copywriting for creative, purpose-driven small businesses. I’ve learned a lot about who my process works best for, and this is it. These are my people. Whether they’re a jewelry designer or a commercial real estate investor, my clients view their work with purpose and creativity. <3 <3 <3

What was your biggest takeaway from the program?

Whatever Michelle says to do, do it. HA! But in all seriousness, I would hmmm and hawww about a decision for days (regarding copy, design, service model, etc.,) going in circles, and then almost always realize that yes, your input was always the best choice. The practice of exploring all my options was super valuable in terms of figuring out what I wanted to stand for and convey as a business owner, but I probably could have saved myself some time and anxiety by just doing whatever you originally suggested!

Think of someone who is currently in the shoes you wore you first signed up for 90 Day Business Launch. What advice do you have for her?

There is value in what you have to offer and yes, someone will actually pay you money for it. I have come across so many brainy-meets-creative-meets-savvy women who, for one reason or another, have been led to believe that their skill set and abilities aren’t valuable. I was one of them. But when the support isn’t there, go out and find it. You deserve it. Work with a coach who is realistic, no bullsh*t, but also empathetic and inspiring. Find people who lift you up to help you realize your goals. Even the most badass boss out there has a support system, so create yours. It’s the best investment you can make for your professional self.

Where can we find you and your work?

Website:  IG: @bigpicturebranding


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