Erin Schalk


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Why did you decide to join 90 Day Business Launch in the summer of 2020?

Since 2017, I had felt gentle nudges toward building my own creative business, but I had no idea what that would be (other than some vague ideas about doing more of my creative work), and I was very uncertain as to where to begin.  I had attended a host of webinars and tried a variety of other online classes, but I had not had success implementing the strategies learned, which often promoted one main way of doing things (and then this "formula" tended to change with each year).  I had followed Michelle's work for over 2 years prior to joining 90 Day Business Launch; I was a regular reader of her newsletter and blog, and I had spent time watching some of her instructional videos such as discovering your business uniquity.  By August 2020 so much had changed in my personal and professional life, that I knew it was time to take the leap and begin heeding those nudges from 3 years ago.

We'd love to know both the tangible and intangible results you got from 90 Day Business Launch! Lay it on us:

Without 90 Day Business Launch, I know it would have taken me months or years to figure everything out on my own.  Michelle and the program broke down the major steps we each needed to take, making goals doable and achievable in a relatively short timeframe, and taking out lost time and frustrations due to trial-and-error.  Being a part of the 90DBL group also greatly helped me in terms of staying accountable and on-track, hitting each milestone and reaching launch day.  I am currently in the process of working with my first two clients, and I am proud of the professionalism of my website, copy, opt-in -- everything!

Going through 90DBL taught me that I can follow through with the right tools; for me, this meant having the monthly milestones broken down into clear, actionable steps, and pacing myself (i.e. working within my own schedule) to keep on track.  I am a person who tends to see the big, overarching picture first, struggles to break that picture down into digestible pieces, and then also overestimates how much I can reasonably (and humanely!) accomplish in a given time frame.  The 90DBL program's setup helped prevent this from happening -- not only the clear milestones but also regular check-ins with Michelle and group members.  I have greater confidence because of this experience; I feel like I can continue to model this structure with both my business and personal goals and continue to see positive results.

What was your biggest takeaway, lesson, or a-ha moment from the program?

Full confession...I am a snail mail and stationary/office supplies geek, so I absolutely loved receiving the care packages from Michelle. :). 

On a more serious note, shortly after I began 90DBL, I developed some significant health concerns.  With Michelle's guidance, we came up with a plan for me to continue work on the business at a pace I could manage while still taking care of my health.  There were many moments, especially at the beginning, when these challenging circumstances made me question whether or not I would be able to complete the program.  Making it to Launch Day and sharing that excitement with the group was a major highlight; it helped demonstrate to me that we each have wells of inner strength and resolve that often go much deeper than we think.

Think of someone who was in your shoes when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

I would say, take as much time as you need/can to clarify what you would like to do in terms of your business, but be comfortable with the reality that your ideas and offerings are likely to grow and evolve as you, your business, and your client base grows.

I would also say that the entire program will be a journey that will test you mentally and physically (in positive ways)!  You will not only build a business and find increased clarity on the creative work your wish to put into the world, but the experience will also require you to grow and strengthen as a person, as well as continue to seek greater authenticity and ask the big questions -- what am I here to give?

There is so.much.happening in our lives and the world that it seems impossible to think we could launch our dream business in 90 days! How did you make it happen? We'd love your best productivity/mindset/time management tip!

Never underestimate the power of taking small portions of time throughout the day to chip away at larger tasks, especially if you find yourself juggling multiple family and professional duties and the mythical long stretch of time doesn't (and isn't going to) open up for you.  It's easy to fall into the trap of, "I only have five minutes; I can't get anything of substance done in five minutes!" and end up not doing anything at all.  Keep a running, physical list in a journal of what you need to accomplish for the week, and write out an estimate of the time each task will take.  Don't be afraid to break those tasks down into teeny, tiny baby steps.  When that small block of time opens up (and in some cases, you may need to snag that time), pull out that journal, pick out an item that roughly corresponds to the time you have, and go, go, go!  You'll be amazed out how those small blocks of time add up to major changes and accomplishments, especially if you consistently keep at your work.

If someone wants to reach you and your work, where should they go?

Business website:

Portfolio site:

Instagram: @bridgingart

Instagram: @elschalk


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