Karen Styles


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Why did you decide to work with me in early 2019?

I decided to work with you because you help creative multi-passionate women create and launch their own businesses. I’d wanted to start my own business for YEARS but I wasn’t sure how to make it happen. At the end of 2018 I had gotten to a point where I was frustrated enough with my life/career and was totally ready to make a change and get your help.

What were you doing work-wise when we started working together – and what are you doing now?

I was working full time as an ESL Instructor in a Career Centre, and working part-time in DIY Craft Studio, and was also running an Etsy shop.

Now, I’m still working as an Instructor. I quit the part-time job and closed my Etsy shop because I launched my business Flow + Fire in July 2019!

What was your biggest takeaway from our work together?

When you have the right help, it’s completely possible to sort through your ideas and figure out what works for you to create a business and a life doing what you love.

Think of someone who is currently in the shoes you wore when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

Trust your inner self to guide you and get you to where you want to be. And once you start, the biggest key is taking action toward what you want – even if it’s imperfect action. Imperfect forward action beats waiting for perfection every time.

Is there anything that’s been a game-changer for you when it comes to your business that you can share? We’d love a good resource or a mindset/productivity tip!

Getting myself out of my house for a “work date” has really helped. Sometimes when I’m working on my business from home, I come up against all sorts of resistance to the feeling of obligation but treating myself to a fancy coffee or snack (or even a cocktail!) turns it into an event that I look forward to, and when I’m out it’s easier to get into the zone.

I use MyNoise.net (and this “Irish Coast” setting) in my headphones so I don’t get distracted.

I love Acuity for scheduling because the email back and forth of “When are you available to chat?” gets old WAY too fast.

I also LOVE my SquareSpace website (and was so glad you recommended it) because it’s SO easy to make edits or add new pages to my site when I’m offering something new. If I had to contact a developer every time I think I’d really get stalled.

If you could go back in time and have some words with the version of yourself who was deciding whether to apply, what would you say?

You COULD try to figure this out on your own, but how long will that take? Wouldn't it be a relief to work with someone who has a plan that can get you there? How would it feel to KNOW you'll have a business in 90 days, rather than still questioning yourself? Having the help of an expert to take you through the steps so that you can get the business going is invaluable. Then, guess what? You'll be able to do the work you've been dreaming about! Don't let the 1,001 steps of creating a business stop you from DOING the work you really want to be doing in the world.

Where can we find you and your work?

Website: flowandfire.com

Instagram: @flowandfire


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