Lindsey Jo Scott

Lindsey Jo Scott

Why did you decide to join 90 Day Business Launch in early 2021?

I was so dang tired of spinning my wheels and not making any movement toward my dream business. I actually started my business seven years ago, but I felt stuck and struggled to understand how to make it be what I wanted. I decided it was finally time to stop second-guessing myself and to finally stop trying to figure it all out on my own. I had been following Michelle for years and really resonated with the 90-day container because I knew I didn't have the energy to wait around and make slow changes to my business. I decided to join because I desperately wanted the business of my dreams and I knew I needed support to make it happen.

What were you doing work-wise when you started the program - and where are you now?

When I started the program, I was working for myself as a freelance graphic designer. I worked for an incredibly wide variety of clients and felt so scattered and exhausted. As a freelancer, I took on whatever jobs came my way, and I was burnout and uninspired as a result. Just a few weeks post-launch, I've already left behind freelance gigs in order to pursue my real heart-work of teaching and coaching and taking on design projects that actually excite me, instead of just saying yes to anything and everything. I've also started writing a bit for publications and I have plans to pursue some public speaking opportunities. I've even received some invitations for workshop collaborations and teaching opportunities that actually feel aligned with what I do, who I am, and the topics I care about. It finally all feels possible within the big umbrella that is my business now.

We'd love to know both the tangible and intangible results you got from 90 Day Business Launch! Lay it on us:

As a result of this program, I finally have an expansive vision aka "umbrella idea" of what my business can be. I started my business seven years ago, but felt limited by what I could do and I'm honestly not sure I would be where I am now even seven years in the future without 90 DBL. My website actually feels like ME and I feel proud to show it off and excited for the space to evolve too. Because I have consistent branding and marketing plans now, I've been able to generate more content without overthinking it and my marketing feels way more fun and easy. I have multiple income streams in place and a million ideas of other ways I want to expand in time.

More than anything, being part of this program helped me believe that I can trust myself. I am the CEO of not only my business, but also my life, and the validation and feedback from Michelle and my cohort friends helped me believe in my own good ideas and instincts way more than ever before. Within the support of the group, I was also able to loosen my grip on perfectionism and practice being seen, which is still a bit terrifying, but less so now. I'm incredibly less afraid to be more me in the world and to experiment and play without worrying so much about everything being perfect. I feel a lot of freedom in that. My business now feels so fun!

What was your biggest takeaway, lesson, or a-ha moment from the program?

I continually referred to my 90 Day Business Launch Plan as I was deciding the details of my offer, writing my copy, and building my website. I now understand that it was foundational for the entire unfolding of what I've birthed now. This day also helped me embrace the practice of asking myself, "is this a 'for launch day thing' or 'for later thing'?!" Having the perspective and support to understand that it's totally not possible to do EVERYTHING at once helped calm my anxiety and gave me permission to focus on each month's task more wholeheartedly. I've continued to embody this practice because my tendency is to get overwhelmed with the big picture and shiny objects ahead without completing the tasks at hand. 90 Day Business Launch helped me finally FINISH something and I am so proud of myself for that! It was a lot of heart and head work, but I did it! I did it!

Think of someone who was in your shoes when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

I would say: TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS and go for it. If you've got the nudge to do this, it's probably for good reason, and you can trust yourself. I know it all feels so scary now, but I promise you, if you keep showing up and following the wisdom of Michelle, your cohort friends, and most importantly, yourself, you will discover that on the other side of all the fear and doubt, there is expansiveness and new ideas and freedom. Right now, you can't even imagine the goodness that is waiting for you. To begin, begin. Just take the next step and keep going. It all will unfold in time. You already have everything you need to begin.

There is so.much.happening in our lives and the world that it seems impossible to think we could launch our dream business in 90 days! How did you make it happen? We'd love your best productivity/mindset/time management tip!

Goodness, there is so much happening in the world and it all feels so heavy. In addition to the weight of the world, I'm also a person who lives with chronic illness and a neurodivergent brain, and I was totally nervous about my ability to launch my new dream business in 90 days. What helped me get there was holding a vision for the future world I want to live in, as well as a whole lot of compassion for myself and a tenderness toward my unique energy and physical abilities. There were many moments of doubt about whether or not I would be able to do this, and I had to simultaneously hold my expectations lightly and commit to practicing believing that it is possible. Because I believe business is love and service toward the world I want to live in, I felt motivated to make it happen. Practically, I found it best to have several hours of quiet, alone time as much as possible on the weekends to focus and get in the zone. This strategy helped me plan around my family and work obligations and helped my brain to not feel so anxious about when it would get done. I often had business ideas pop into my head while working or while on a walk, and I kept notes on my phone so I could return to them during business focus time. (I also discovered that my favorite workplace is in our parked car, alone. It's so quiet and there are no distractions!) Some weeks, I had to shift my work time to weekdays/nights when chronic illness or schedule required, and I kept practicing imperfect and done. It helped me to remember that I will continue to pivot my offers and website copy, and that all I have to do is keep showing up to what's unfolding and commit to what's next, without obsessing about how it will all play out. I really got to practice this in 90 Day Business Launch and it has helped me feel way less overwhelmed!

If someone wants to reach you and your work, where should they go?




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