Lisa Townsend

Change your badge

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Why did you decide to join 90 Day Business Launch?

I was fed up with putting off making a business and so I wanted a plan to keep me on the straight and narrow. I knew that I didn't want to do things on my own anymore but I wanted a group of likeminded women who got it and me! I also wanted someone to run ideas by, where I could ask my questions and get answers that were specific to me and my business aims. Before 90 Day Business Launch I had many workshops, books and attempts to start a business firmly under my belt but ultimately I always felt like I was on the wrong track. I realised that they were all general and I wanted specifics. I didn't want to be lost in a sea of Facebook Groups and email lists anymore, I wanted targeted, focused help that was just for me.

What were you doing work-wise when you started the program in the spring of 2019 - and where are you now?

When I started doing 90 Day Business Launch I was working as an Office Manager for an Arts Charity and single parenting my children in the week because my husband worked away. Now - I'm running my own business full time!

We'd love to know both the tangible and intangible results you got from 90 Day Business Launch! Lay it on us:

At the end of the program I had a website ready to be launched, an empty email list ready to be filled and an offer ready to be signed up to. What I hadn't counted on was my new work ethic. I had proven to my inner critic that I could use my limited time and energy to work in very small steps, single parent my kids, work my full time job and still be launch ready. I know that if I hadn't been part of the 90DBL I would have given up. I wouldn't have believed it was possible.

What was your biggest takeaway, lesson, or a-ha moment from the program?

I think my biggest surprise was launching it and also getting x3 clients within the same month. I was shocked it had worked! Even though my website was good to go on launch day I didn't tell anyone about it for another week. I wanted the time to savour all the work I had put in and delight in what I had created - it was the best feeling and felt like the start of something very exciting.

Think of someone who was in your shoes when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

I would tell her that she doesn't need to do it alone anymore, and in actual fact this way is much easier and more fun! I would encourage her to visualise what she will have at the end of the 90 Days, hold onto that feeling tightly and get going.

There is so.much.happening in our lives and the world that it seems impossible to think we could launch our dream business in 90 days! How did you make it happen? We'd love your best productivity/mindset/time management tip!

90 Day Business Launch was an exercise in imperfect action and breaking it down into tiny pieces and focusing on one of these a day was exactly how I built mine. It is true, we overestimate what we can get done in a day but we underestimate what we can get done in a week.

If someone wants to reach you and your work, where should they go?


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Facebook: @changeyourbadge


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