Suset Laboy-Perez

A Little Awareness

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Why did you decide to join 90 Day Business Launch?

I had worked with you in the past when you helped me normalize what I already knew in my soul I was — a Renaissance Woman and Businesslady. Afterwards, I built a successful communications business with my sister, where I have gotten to help some incredibly cool brands in the intersection of arts, culture, lifestyle and social justice.

We had such a blast on our first rodeo, and I derived so much clarity from our time together, that it was a no-brainer to work again with you to bring this new project to life.

What were you doing work-wise when we started the program in the spring of 2019– and what are you doing now, in March of 2020?

I was (and still am because—renaissance lady over here) running a communications firm focused on arts, culture, lifestyle and social justice. Now, I am a Women Empowerment Advisor and founder of A Little Awareness (ALA). I combine body, mind, and soul work to bring a whole lot of ease and a lot less of hustle to ambitious women that feel burned out, exhausted, or stretched too thin. In its simplest form my job is to help women discover how to live in the flow; to actually experience (because we are all very good about thinking about these issues) that the more time they take for themselves, the more they can give. Think personal trainer for your soul. Or your naughty friend who gives you permission to go take a nap.

What was your biggest takeaway from our work together?

That the big dreams that you have in your head are just a few action steps away. And that one of the best ways to bring the actions that bring that dream closer to reality is to invest in yourself. I know this sounds very salesy, but every time I invest in myself, be it in our comms business or A Little Awareness, I see a whole different level of forward movement. ALA would not be the living, breathing paradise it is without you (and my charming grit, of course).

Think of someone who is currently in the shoes you wore when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

Ha. This is a good one because I said yes to you and just took the plunge solely based on an idea and how amazing you are. So here is my advice:

Friend, you are in for a wild, fully gratifying journey. Close your eyes. Take a deep inhale in for a count of 4 and now exhale for the count of 8. Remember this exercise whenever you are having a little freak out or when things feel overwhelming. Michelle is a fantastic guide and brilliant facilitator and she will steer you in the right way. Trust yourself and trust her. Now go do the work.

Is there anything that’s been a game-changer for you when it comes to your business that you can share? We’d love a good resource or a mindset/productivity tip!

I like to let my body and the universe take the wheel quite a bit. I learned this trick from Martha Beck a long time ago and when I was in the process of launching ALA returned to it. Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed, I simply notice the thought/overwhelm and declare out loud (try it on the subway or in a crowded street, it’s fun), “I quit. Take over. Thank you.” And things just shift.

Two big moments illustrate what I mean. A decade ago, I had just moved to NY and was struggling to see if I fit in. I remember I was about to enter the subway on Flatiron and just declared to the universe “I Quit.” When I got home, I opened my email to find out I had won a contest from Lucky Magazine for 5K of a whole new wardrobe. Insane! Most recently, I had surgery and did some of my best thinking work for clients while resting on the couch after trying to push myself to work too soon. One day I simply let my body do its thing and “Quit”, and that moment things started flowing. I had so many juicy aha! moments doing what some may think is nothing. This time I was not surprised by the outcome, but it was a good reminder that sometimes quitting, and doing nothing does more than what our society considers doing.

Where can we find you and your work?


Instagram: @alittleawareness 



Carolyn Glasser


Jennyann Cathern