Amy Bailey

Thrive Anywhere Project

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Why did you decide to join 90 Day Business Launch?

I was stuck before joining 90 Day Biz Launch because I couldn’t figure out how to communicate what I was trying to offer my clients and was overwhelmed by all of the launch related tasks. I didn’t know where to start.

What were you doing work-wise when you started the program in early 2021 - and where are you now, 4 months later?

I was a stay-at-home mom. Now, I’m still staying at home with my toddler and a biz owner!

We'd love to know both the tangible and intangible results you got from 90 Day Business Launch! Lay it on us:

I launched my business in 90 days! This was a 7 year old goal that I finally get to check off my list. I’m proud of how authentic to me my copywriting, branding, and web design feels.  I’ve got a realistic, minimalist marketing plan that I’m implementing without feeling too overwhelmed. 

Committing to launching a business in 90 days felt like a stretch, but I am SO proud to have kept this promise to myself. I’ve gained confidence by taking the launch process one step at a time and being successful. I’ve learned how resourceful I am about finding solutions to technology related problems.

What was your biggest takeaway, lesson, or a-ha moment from the program?

There was a big shift for me after completing the copywriting portion of the program. Even though my copywriting will always be evolving, something clicked for me.  Everything felt more tangible once I was able to articulate who I was helping and how.

Think of someone who was in your shoes when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

Don’t be afraid to invest in your dreams! The opportunity to create what you want to create is here for you. Maybe all you need is a little more structure and support than what you’ve had in the past. Here is your permission slip to become a biz owner!

There is so.much.happening in our lives and the world that it seems impossible to think we could launch our dream business in 90 days! How did you make it happen? We'd love your best productivity/mindset/time management tip!

For me, staying connected to my big picture vision and next step helped me stay hopeful and focused. Also, committing to smaller deadlines for various milestones throughout the process kept me on track.

If someone wants to reach you and your work, where should they go?


Instagram: @thriveanywhereproject


Melissa Brumm


Ruth Littlejohn