Melissa Brumm

Slow Life Revolution

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“I would never have gotten here so quickly”

It was awesome to get clear on my business right at the start, and build the core foundations to bring me through the rest of the 90 days. It was like building a map of the whole forest when I was lost in the trees, and it made me feel better having a group of people who did this alongside me. Now I know I'm not alone in the process of building a business for myself, and I’m no longer running around in circles. Before 90 Day Business Launch, I would try one thing, not get anywhere and then start over. I never got past the uncomfortableness of starting a business and telling people I'm doing it with confidence. 

While I was moving toward my current business for years, I would never have gotten here as quickly if I didn't do this program!


Adrienne Zitt


Amy Bailey