Anabell Bender


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Why did you decide to join 90 Day Business Launch?

When I saw you for the first time online I instantly thought “WOOOOOOW, I can’t believe that there is someone that I can so identify with! Plus she is a business coach! That’s a sign,” so I signed up to both of your CreativeLive classes plus I don’t remember how many webinars. Still, I felt that I needed to really get the needle moving much more—I can share so much but don’t know how! So, I made the investment in myself to sign up for the program. I am so ready to be my true, authentic self.

What were you doing work-wise when we started working together in the spring of 2018 – and what are you doing now, just 3 months later?

Moving, moving, moving hahaha. I am a typical multi-passionate person. I am a trained hotel expert, beautician, make-up artist, massage therapist, holistic health and nutrition counselor, happiness coach and life coach. I mainly used to work as a receptionist, as that job allowed me to still have the energy to study. I also worked as a cook, a terminal security inspector at the airport and others. In the past 5 years, I have been working as a receptionist in a private bank, but I resigned because rules prevented me from building my own business (asking for permission on how to run my life is not an option). I got a part-time job now in an educational centre as a reservations/admin agent. On 2-3 days I work half-day so that leaves me great time to build my own business.

What was your biggest takeaway from our work together?

You bring me back to the main tasks on which I need to focus. I get so lost when I start talking to others about my business, they ask me thousands of questions that leave me feeling like it is impossible to handle this. Working with you makes me feel like it really is manageable.

Think of someone who is currently in the shoes you wore when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her? 

What is your option if you don’t do it? Just do it, people are always going to talk and judge but that shouldn’t bother you. Allow yourself for just this time to be the badass CEO of your dream business and see magic happen. You are going to grow in ways you didn’t even imagine.

Is there anything that’s been a game-changer for you when it comes to your business that you can share? We’d love a good resource or a mindset/productivity tip!

A game-changer for me was to talk about my dream business to people who I considered strangers or aliens from another world lol. I was so stuck in self-doubt that I thought that everyone would start judging me and telling me that I shouldn’t even bother trying. But then I realized that once you are confident and have the actionable steps in your head, people are seriously interested and supportive. It is all about your passion, conviction, commitment, love etc. If you carry and discover/find that in you and reconnect to it regularly, it will automatically attract the right people including potential clients and collaborations. It’s crazyyyyyy.

Where can we find you and your work?




Tracy Lakshmi Cunningham


Carolyn Glasser