Tracy Lakshmi Cunningham

Spiral Heart Healing

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Why did you decide to sign up for 90 Day Business Launch?

Through a series of connections, I had quickly signed up for your newsletter. It came to my work email, and on the day I felt super depressed about the 9-5 groundhog day I was having, I read about your 90 Day Business Launch program. Your writing was so upbeat and promised everything I knew I needed to help me step on the gas and get started on the fulfilling, passion-filled work life I wanted to have.

What were you doing work-wise when we started working together in Feb 2019 – and what are you doing now, one year later?

I had been in graphic design jobs since 1999 and in publishing for the last 14 years as an Art Director. When I went to college, I thought I would be a freelance artist, drawing and painting. But instead I got caught in the commercial life of stressful deadlines and big egos, sitting in front of a computer all day. I took a step back and realized that neither were the life I truly wanted, they were expectations from a younger self. After my own grueling health journey, I realized that this was my true calling, to help others through health issues when the doctors no longer had the answers. I worked on the training for this career change for a long time. After your program, I am finally beginning the business of my dreams – helping others to heal from short term or long term ailments in a comprehensive, holistic, way that includes soul, mind, and body.

What was your biggest takeaway from our work together?

The biggest takeaway was how you so easily and quickly put all my passions under one roof! Along with the three holistic healing modalities we even incorporated in ladies’ night home spas and my love of gardening and beekeeping! You had quite a task and it was not something I could have imagined on my own. I would still be staring at a blank page. I left our time together feeling grounded; knowing I had the skills to be able to work on my site myself was invaluable.

Think of someone who is currently in the shoes you wore when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

I would say keep remembering that this is a process. To have the beginning threads of your dream come into physical reality is the ultimate goal. Launch day isn’t as scary as it sounds, it’s just one goal of many that will be accomplished. There will probably be days that are like a roller coaster — one day you’ll feel so excited that all of this is finally happening and other days where you’ll feel so terrified that this is happening. Let the emotions roll on through, if you try to stop them, they’ll just last longer (ahem – experience talking here.) Know that Michelle is the best cheerleader one could have. Oh, and read Michelle’s articles, they are chock full of advice to get you through this period.

Is there anything that’s been a game-changer for you when it comes to your business that you can share? We’d love a good resource or a mindset/productivity tip!

If it is a health-related business requires HIPAA protocols, then there are quite a few programs (called EHR or EMR) that will manage the whole process from the scheduler, to keeping client information safe, all the way through to the payment process. This is a great e-course to see what is best for the business called “Which EHR is Right for Me?

Where can we find you and your work?



Instagram: @spiralhearthealer


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