Casey Anselmi

Embrace Your Spark


“A 10/10 across the boards”

90 Day Business Launch is a 10/10 across the boards. It felt like such a right fit for me to do the darn work to launch, and it was an amazing group of mighty and strong women! Felt like each and everyone one of us were hand picked to be together and everyone is so supportive of each other and cheering each other on. The love and support of my fellow launchers and Michelle helped keep my inner critic at bay. She was always kind and supportive and having an answer to my questions, even when the answer was that it as my decision. The knowledge and expertise and resources shared have been so helpful, and I know they will continue to be helpful, too. I learned so much about being a CEO, how to freaking launch and how to trust my instincts from the love and support here!


Theresa Sullivan


Portia Stewart