I sure hope so, ‘cause here they are in their own words!

Group 7 Michelle Ward Group 7 Michelle Ward

Goldie Hartford

“My life saver and confidence creator”

I was completely lost as to what I needed to do when I made the decision to start my coaching business. This program was my life saver and confidence creator, with step-by-step guidance and easy-to-understand pieces along the way. I also now have a solid understanding of what it will take to continue building it to the success I will achieve. Michelle gives unlimited support, a wealth of knowledge, and is so energizing to have on my team. 90 Day Business Launch is amazing and I won't hesitate to recommend it to anyone.

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Theresa Sullivan

“I booked two big client projects in the first month after launching!”

I had a good idea of the work I wanted to do and who I wanted to work with, but when it came to taking *real steps* towards launching on my own... eek. I knew I needed help to get me out of my head so I could take tangible, brave action, so I joined 90 Day Business Launch. The group component of the program was so valuable to me. Launching my biz alongside other creative, smart, nervous-but-excited women made it a lot harder to tell myself that somehow I couldn't do it too. Right after launching, I committed to my marketing plan and consistently (but manageably!) reaching out to people about my business, and I booked two big client projects in the first month! I’m now a more confident, resilient, and focused me.

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Casey Anselmi

“A 10/10 across the boards’”

90 Day Business Launch is a 10/10 across the boards. It felt like such a right fit for me to do the darn work to launch, and it was an amazing group of mighty and strong women! Felt like each and everyone one of us were hand picked to be together and everyone is so supportive of each other and cheering each other on. The love and support of my fellow launchers and Michelle helped keep my inner critic at bay. She was always kind and supportive and having an answer to my questions, even when the answer was that it as my decision. The knowledge and expertise and resources shared have been so helpful, and I know they will continue to be helpful, too. I learned so much about being a CEO, how to freaking launch and how to trust my instincts from the love and support here!

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Group 7 Rachel Rosenthal Group 7 Rachel Rosenthal

Portia Stewart

“Now I'm my own boss, with multiple clients and a pipeline that grows each week”

I knew 2021 was the year I wanted to launch my business, and the process felt massive and overwhelming. When I started 90 Day Business Launch, I was working full-time in a 60-plus hour a week day job. I had trouble saying my idea out loud. Now I'm my own boss, with multiple clients and a pipeline that grows each week. I have the confidence to describe my business and what I offer to anyone. I charge what I think I'm worth, and people pay it! On launch day, I had four potential clients reach out to ask how to start working with me. I also landed a speaking gig at a national conference before my business launched. I’m living the life I was meant to live.

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Sarah Davis

“I felt totally supported’”

In 90 Day Business Launch, everything was clearly laid out, there was built-in accountability, and the targeted feedback from Michelle was just phenomenal. She shows up in every way, knows her shit and knows how to gently (but firmly) guide people to launch and beyond. I found her coaching to be resourceful, precise, and actionable. I loved the guidance and fun, renewed energy I felt (and still feel) towards my business. I'm really excited about the possibilities of what I could provide, what my secret sauce is, and how I can best serve others while not draining myself. I felt totally supported and give this program a 10/10.

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Valencia Gomez

“The structure, resources and insights I needed”

90 Day Business Launch provided me with the structure, resources, and insights I needed to actually launch a business. Within the first few weeks I knew this was the right program for me because I was actually making progress. And as an experienced DEI professional, I loved how intentional Michelle was in creating a brave space for her clients and providing clarity on her policy if harm was experienced or witnessed in the space. Her energy, support, empathy, knowledge, and transparency are the makings of an amazing leader and guide. I would have been lost without 90 Day Business Launch. It was just what I needed to turn a long-term dream into a reality!

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Addie Kugler-Lunt

“Useful, practical, detailed material and an enjoyable process”

"90 Day Business Launch is full of all the useful, practical, detailed material I needed to launch my business. The lessons are presented in clear and accessible ways -- with Michelle's incredible enthusiasm and energy!! Despite the amount of deep work involved, it's an enjoyable process. The mindset work at the beginning of the course set me up for success. Referring back to my business plan, when it was time to do the copywriting and website pieces, made creating my website easier. I benefited from the continual support of the other Launchers throughout, which kept me from feeling too stuck or overwhelmed. I launched my business on time! It's been a great experience and I'd definitely recommend it!"

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Juliet Jones

“I was able to focus on the essentials and not get distracted by the noise’”

"90 Day Business Launch was so fun and approachable and complete. Without the program and the insights about what is actually important and what to let go of, I would have spent all my time perfecting things that are not essential to launching. Instead, I was able to focus on the essentials and not get distracted by the noise. I loved knowing that others in the community were going through the same challenges and wins; that helped to validate my journey. The aspect of community was scary at first and now I am really going to miss it! And while I thought Michelle wouldn't be able to convey such support through videos and not being live, it really worked. She really understood what I was going through at every stage. Now I have a complete set of tools, both physical and mentally, to move forward confidently. I also have an awesome community of support."

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Group 7 Michelle Ward Group 7 Michelle Ward

Jessica Brant

“It felt like a breeze”

I was stuck on really feeling like my business ideas had merit and value. I wasn't sure how to get these ideas into a functional format that others could access and really understand. With 90 Day Business Launch, I gained the confidence and peace to launch my business along with some wonderful resources that I will continue to use to grow my business. I met some wonderful and supportive people in this program - including myself! I know I grew a lot in this program. I felt supported every step of the way, with Michelle making all the Launchers feel heard and equally important. She brought an infectious exuberance and energy to every call, every recording, every written message. The highlight of the program is hard to pinpoint. It all worked together so well, so smoothly. When we are surrounded by like-minded individuals, it makes the process seem less scary and less alone. I was able to do a hard, life-changing thing and it felt like a breeze!

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Shelby Lewis

“Indisputably changed my life”

This program has indisputably changed my life. I have not only gained the confidence and tools to finally begin a business that I cannot wait to get up for, but I have also finally shirked the paralyzing perfectionism that kept me from going for my most exciting goals. Finding my business name and through-line was the highlight, and I was glad to have the safe space to vomit out the "this is me and I think a business and something I'm passionate about but I'm not sure if it will ever happen or ever makes sense... help!" document. It was the permission I needed to finally put it all out there, be vulnerable, and have the courage to be seen. I still hear Michelle's voice in my head saying "...Are we calling it BIG BOLD CHOICES!?!! <3" She was my first fan, and that enthusiasm rings true as my business continues to grow every day. She made me feel completely attended to on a highly personal level, and I was so grateful for every minute. I am enjoying the alumni group as a continuing element, and have recommended this program to many peers.

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Kiara Santos

“Extensive and value-packed”

To go from a fuzzy business idea that I was not confident about AT ALL to having a website I'm proud of, templates/directions of what to do post launch, and clear steps of how to show up in my business while tracking the results is HUGE! Michelle did a great job of leading us through the program, content, and making herself available to answer any and all questions. She's extremely knowledgeable and an expert with many years of experience while also authentic and real. I am so grateful for how extensive and value-packed this program is!

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Naomi Faith

“Exactly (and more!) what I was hoping to receive”

Throughout the program, I got to begin the practice of both loving on and practically bringing to life the business of my dreams. I now know what it looks and feels like to regularly love on my business baby that is in alignment with my energy level, my essence, and my JOY! It is a tremendous gift to be living in this reality. :) It was exactly (and more!) what I was hoping to receive. I am incredibly thankful to have this dream made into reality!

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Victoria Veldhoen

“Enabled me to change my life”

I've learned what to offer, how to market myself, and the confidence to do so. The one-on-one attention during the Q&As and in the Mighty Network group was by far the most helpful. Michelle is kind and helpful and everything I needed/wanted as a leader/guide. Joining 90 Day Business Launch has enabled me to change my life. I'm going in a completely different direction with my career and I'm so grateful.

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Victoria Radolinkski

“I am no longer at a standstill!”

I hit a wall with my previous attempt at launching my business. I saw many roads and was stuck at the fork! Now, I am no longer at a standstill! Michelle is present and supportive, here for everyone and anyone who needs guidance or assistance in any way. She's upfront, open and genuinely cares. Because of 90 Day Business Launch, I'm the CEO of my own destiny... and have met some amazingly talented and supportive women along the journey!

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Laura Pharo

“A legitimate and professional business”

I wanted accountability, encouragement and support to get my website and business off and running and I received that in spades! Michelle really cares about making sure that everyone feels supported and gets what they need about the program. I loved the weekly calls. Being able to jump into this community and connect with everyone else as my business owner self really has helped re-affirm my decision to run my own business. I now have the ability to move past the perfectionist thinking that was keeping me stuck and from moving forward. Being able to hear Michelle's voice in my head encouraging me to "make a wobbly CEO decision" and turn in my best B work has been game-changing. In a more practical sense, I now have a very impressive website and Instagram page that allow potential clients to view me as a legitimate and professional business.

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Amber Pecoraro

“The guided progress was so valuable!”

I was spinning my wheels trying to DIY my business launch. The program helped me focus on exactly what I needed, and the guided progress I made in 90 days was so valuable! Michelle knows the steps necessary to reach your business launch. I stayed focused on the areas Michelle outlined, and it helped me not get overwhelmed with all the other things I thought I "should" be doing. The highlight for me, though, was making connections with other women that were launching their businesses as well. Save yourself a year of back and forth not knowing what and how to launch your business and sign up for 90 Day Business Launch. I'm so glad I did it and am looking forward to staying connected with the other Launchers in the future!

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“Everything I knew I needed in one program”

When creating my coaching business, I often struggled with creating content and figuring out exactly who I wanted to help. I felt like my niche was too vague, and overthinking copywriting often put me into freeze mode and I couldn’t move forward. 90 Day Business Launch encompassed everything I knew I needed into one business launching program, and it helped me build my business from a strong foundation. The lessons were incredibly detailed and really broke down the process into digestible steps. This helped me take the next right steps without feeling overwhelmed. Michelle provided attentive support and quick feedback, and it went above and beyond the caliber of support I expected. She is kind, knowledgeable, supportive, assertive, patient, and understanding. Michelle helped me see that what I have to say IS actually important and that someone out there needs my message. I’m so proud of myself for what it was able to accomplish in 90 Day Business Launch because I know I never would have gotten this far on my own (I know because I’ve tried several times over the past 6 years!). The technical aspects of website building and content writing really stalled my progress for so long, and I’m beyond grateful for the support, community, and the lessons I’ve learned.

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