Erica Ando

erica ando artist coaching

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Why did you decide to join 90 Day Business Launch in the summer of 2019?

A couple of reasons! One, I did a lot of research before reaching out to you and you were the perfect fit for where I was at the moment. Two, I loved your smile! I hope this doesn’t sound too weird, but your sweet face brought tears to my eyes! You looked like someone I could trust. And I was right!

What were you doing work-wise when you started the program - and where are you now, 2 years later?

I had been working in the arts for over 20 years and was floundering as a freelance writer, editor, grant writer, independent curator, college art history instructor, etc etc etc. I knew I had to level up and to focus on something, which is why I wanted to work with a coach. I’m glad I found you! Right now, I’m running my business offering career coaching for artists. In the first year of my business I equaled my old salary. In the first 6 months of this year, I made that same amount! I love doing the work and love my clients! And I am much more in control of my career and future.

We'd love to know both the tangible and intangible results you got from 90 Day Business Launch! Lay it on us:

I feel like a business owner, not a baby business owner. I've tripled my rates since I launched and work with artists from all over North America and Europe. I think I have the perfect business for these times when you can't go out and meet people in person.  I found out that I loved coaching and I never would have gotten there without 90DBL.

What was your biggest takeaway, lesson, or a-ha moment from the program?

My biggest takeaway actually happened afterwards! I realized I didn't have to spend as much time as I did working on my website, the copy, all the things. It's what Michelle had been saying all along.

Think of someone who was in your shoes when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

Trust the process. Don't overthink it and just do what Michelle says! It will all work out.

There is so.much.happening in our lives and the world that it seems impossible to think we could launch our dream business in 90 days! How did you make it happen? We'd love your best productivity/mindset/time management tip!

Don't go crazy trying to make it perfect! You just want to launch. If you want to change it later, you can. The beauty about having your own business is that you're in charge. You can do what you want!

If someone wants to reach you and your work, where should they go?


Instagram: @_erica_ando_


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