Veronica Souza


Vero Souza 2.jpg

Why did you decide to sign up for 90 Day Business Launch?

The first time I came across your work was through your CreativeLive class, many years ago. At the time, I felt I needed more experience in my industry, but the idea of having my own business made me smile a lot. I went on and worked for various design agencies until I moved to NY. One day, I spontaneously attended a talk at the Financial Gym, without knowing it was the same person from many years ago–you!

For the longest time, I’ve had the desire to build my own business but never felt like it was the right time to do so, and now, many years later with a big​ industry backpack, I thought it was a clear message from the universe. This was it! After seeing all the creative women you had worked with that were just like me and were now living lives that fulfill their purpose, made me scratch the itch and go for it! Without hesitation, I applied for the 90-Day Business Launch program, and that was the beginning of a fantastic journey.

What were you doing work-wise when we started working together in early 2019 – and what are you doing now?

I was a senior designer at a shiny NYC, midtown-Manhattan advertising agency. Now I'm the owner and designer of my own studio, verô, helping mindful business owners brand their businesses with their unique essence.

Have there been any long-term takeaways from our work together?

How important our work on 90 Day Biz Launch was! I always look back to it to make sure my vision and strategy are still aligned with my offerings and marketing.

Let’s talk wins! What have you been most proud of in your business?

  • Celebrating my one-year businessversary!

  • To have partnered with 30+ health and wellness companies and worked on many projects in my first year in business.

  • Having my work published on Forbes, Vogue, and many other publications.

  • Getting clearer on what I offer and to whom and why. Donating money to charity from my work on Check-ins and creating a new offer to support all businesses in the health and wellness space.

Think of someone who is currently in the shoes you wore when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

​Oh, what a good question! I’d say, take deep breaths, tune out the b.s. and trust–it’s going to be ok!

Is there anything that’s been a game-changer for you when it comes to your business that you can share? We’d love a good resource or a mindset/productivity tip!

Understanding that there are no rules! Coming from agency-life, the rules I had for myself were very rigid; this has to be done a certain way, I can only do this type of thing from x-hour til x-hour. This robotic mentality hurt A LOT my creativity. Even though I still do time-blocking for the boring administrative stuff, I like to leave most of my afternoons open to ju​st play!

There is so.much.happening in our lives and the world that it seems impossible to think we could launch our dream business in 90 days! 

Always come back to the business strategy! Build the business from a mindful and intentional place.

Where can we find you and your work?


Instagram: @verobranding


Erica Ando