Kathy Hubler


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Why did you decide to sign up for 90 Day Business Launch in 2019?

I had tried starting my coaching business on my own before but with little success. I had to put my business on the back burner during some big moves in my life- literally, I moved from the east coast to the west coast by myself and then learned how to re-establish myself in an area where I knew no one and knew nothing about. Not just once, but twice in less than two years. When the urge to start coaching started coming up I knew it wasn’t something I wanted to do on my own. I’d been there, tried that and wanted more. I know and understand the power of coaching. I felt like working with a coach would help me become successful, bridge some gaps I wasn’t connecting on my own, all while having the support to move forward- everything I needed to establish my new coaching business.

What was your biggest takeaway from our work together?

Having confidence in myself to do the work I’m doing. Learning I can take coaching outside the box based on my coaching background and expertise in the hospitality & service industries.

Think of someone who is currently in the shoes you wore when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

Invest in yourself. Follow your heart. And Invest in YOURSELF! It’s a pipe dream if all you do is sit around daydreaming about it. When you take the initiative to do something about it, things start to become real. And it’s scary, right? Having a coach helps. It subsides the fears, gives you guidance, and increases your confidence when you start to see the progress you are making!

Is there anything that’s been a game-changer for you when it comes to your business that you can share? We’d love a good resource or a mindset/productivity tip!

JUST DO IT. No really, just do it. It’s so easy to convince ourselves that we aren’t ready, aren’t good enough, don’t have enough skill, or whatever. But just start to do something, put yourself out there, and do it. It’s always going to be scary, so why put it off when deep down you know you can do it and it’s the unknown that is holding you back, not your skills/abilities/capabilities.

Where can we find you and your work?

Website: ladiesagainstthegrain.com 

Instagram: Ladies Against the Grain and #ladiesagainstthegrain




Misty Molloy