Misty Molloy

cocreative interiors

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Why did you decide to sign up for 90 Day Business Launch in the summer of 2019?

I heard you on a podcast, and your personality, vibe and enthusiasm spoke directly to my soul. When you used the word “multi-passionate creative” and described her as someone who wanted a business but couldn’t decide which path to take, I knew I had found the coach I’d been unknowingly hoping to find.

What was your biggest takeaway from the program?

Learning to go with the flow and drop the crystal ball is my biggest takeaway from our work together. I have wanted to start my own business for SEVEN YEARS but struggled to gain traction with any of my ideas. Once you taught me to listen to my heart and helped me see how my skill set and experience was relevant to the field of interior design, a flip switched.

Think of someone who is currently in the shoes you wore when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

If you’ve been wanting to start a business but can’t settle on an idea or figure out how to gain traction, get help. So many people would tell me, “Just start! You don’t need a plan, just go!” While I 100% agree with this sentiment, especially after having taken the leap and realizing that so much learning happens once you stop thinking and start doing, structure and accountability will give you the runway you need to get rolling.

Is there anything that’s been a game-changer for you when it comes to your business that you can share? We’d love a good resource or a mindset/productivity tip!

Own whatever new direction you decide to take. Assume the personality of a successful business woman and act confidently, even when you’re freaking out as you move forward. Take one step at a time, and don’t look too far to the future while you’re starting to avoid overwhelm.

Where can we find you and your work?

Website: www.cocreativeinteriors.com

Instagram @cocreativeinteriors

Facebook: @cocreativeinteriors


Kathy Hubler


Carole Ann Penney