Laura Pharo



What were you stuck on before you started 90 Day Business Launch in the summer of 2022?

Before joining 90 Day Biz Launch, creating a website and setting up my own biz foundations was taking a back seat to my day job and the clients that I was servicing on the side. I already felt maxed out and was really struggling to get clear on where I wanted to go with my business and to get the tools in place in order to run it successfully so I could leave my 9-5!

We'd love to know what you gained as a result of 90 Day Business Launch! Lay it on us:

The biggest thing that I have gained from this program is the ability to move past the perfectionist thinking that was keeping me stuck and from moving forward. Being able to hear Michelle's voice in my head encouraging me to "make a wobbly CEO decision" and turn in my best B work has been game-changing. In a more practical sense, I now have a very impressive website and Instagram page that allow, potential clients, to view me as a legitimate and professional business.

What was your biggest takeaway, lesson, or a-ha moment from the program?

Slow and steady wins the race and my business is never done and will always be evolving.

If you could go back in time and have some words with the version of yourself who was deciding whether to apply, what would you say?

Just do it! You might not feel ready but nothing will happen if you don't take every small step forwards that you can.

There is so.much.happening in our lives and the world that it seems impossible to think we could launch our dream business in 90 days! How did you make it happen? We'd love your best productivity/mindset/time management tip!

Blocking out time in my calendar that was actually feasible and then protecting that time was key for me. Once it was in the calendar I just showed up and committed to doing the work.

If someone wants to reach you and your work, where should they go?


Instagram: @thelaurapharo


Victoria Radolinkski


Amber Pecoraro