Shelby Lewis

Big Bold Choices


“Indisputably changed my life”

This program has indisputably changed my life. I have not only gained the confidence and tools to finally begin a business that I cannot wait to get up for, but I have also finally shirked the paralyzing perfectionism that kept me from going for my most exciting goals. Finding my business name and through-line was the highlight, and I was glad to have the safe space to vomit out the "this is me and I think a business and something I'm passionate about but I'm not sure if it will ever happen or ever makes sense... help!" document. It was the permission I needed to finally put it all out there, be vulnerable, and have the courage to be seen. I still hear Michelle's voice in my head saying "...Are we calling it BIG BOLD CHOICES!?!! <3" She was my first fan, and that enthusiasm rings true as my business continues to grow every day. She made me feel completely attended to on a highly personal level, and I was so grateful for every minute. I am enjoying the alumni group as a continuing element, and have recommended this program to many peers.


Jessica Brant


Kiara Santos