Suzie Soloviev

The Narrative Solution

Suzie McLellan Soloviev 2.png

Why did you decide to join 90 Day Business Launch?

I found you through someone who must have reblogged you, but it was long enough ago that I don’t remember the specifics (2012ish?). I DO remember visiting your website for the first time. I loved your vibe – the positivity, the ukulele, the whimsy, etc. I kept up with your blog and mailing list, and tried out a different program of yours in 2015. In 2018 something finally snapped, and I knew it was time. 

I’ve always known that I can produce great work, but not all by myself. I’m an obliger, through and through.

What were you doing work-wise when we started the program in the March of 2019 – and what are you doing now, just over a year later?

Boy, howdy, have things changed!

I was working full time while running The Narrative Solution and commuting two hours each way. I was squeezing in my Instagram time on the train and writing my copy after putting my three year old to bed. I had just a few offerings, and they felt set in stone. Today, I work for myself full time, from home, and get to see my daughter for more than a few hours. I’ve led classes online, worked with 1:1 clients, run challenges, started recording a podcast, host a facebook group, and much more.

I take deep delight in my clients’ successes. I had a client who quintupled his Patreon income within two months of working together. I made him $450 in five minutes with an offer we crafted together. Another client sold out her custom art slots in five hours. Yet another client used her bio in a magazine feature! I could go on and on about the amazing people I’ve worked with.

What was your biggest takeaway from our work together?

Listen to your gut when you make the plan, and don’t settle. Then, stick to the plan and it’ll all come together! That’s how we built The Narrative Solution. I’m so proud of what we crafted together.

Also – ALWAYS ASK. Just ask. Ask for everything. Ask your friends. Ask your family. Ask the interviewer. Just ask. You’ll be surprised. Seriously. Take up the emotional space, you’re not troubling anyone, just. ask. (Written just after I got a call while writing this to let me know the new bridge job offer had increased. Ask!)

Think of someone who is currently in the shoes you wore when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

It’s both more work and way less work than you think it will be. I find myself completely lost in creating content for The Narrative Solution, well, often. That’s the reward.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to get done!

Michelle has seen so many people go through this process that she’ll quickly assuage your fears. Then she’ll assuage them again when you freak out a month before launch. She’s good at assuaging. She’s good at all of this! Trust Michelle!

Is there anything that’s been a game-changer for you when it comes to your business that you can share? We’d love a good resource or a mindset/productivity tip!

A big one- there is always time in your day, once you decide there must be. I am perpetually crazy busy. While working on my launch I worked a full time job, attended grad school classes, started writing a thesis, parented a toddler, kept up a relationship, went to church, and occasionally ate and slept. Once I decided I was going to be serious, I decided to commit two hours a day to The Narrative Solution. I didn’t tell anyone, just decided. And – I found the time. I wrote copy on my commute home. I played with graphics between projects at the office. I snatched a few minutes here and there after bedtime. Did I do two hours every day? No, I’m sure I didn’t. But having a high standard from which to fall is crucial for me.

Where can we find you and your work?


Instagram: @thenarrativesolution


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