Wendy Conrad


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Why did you decide to work with me?

I found you on Facebook and recognized you as my people. I then joined a different program you ran and was WOWed by you and the level of individual attention that was given, even in a group dynamic. I knew I had to continue on with 90 Day Business Launch and it was the best decision.

What were you doing work-wise when we started working together mid-2019 – and what are you doing now?

I was stuck at a 9-5 job I HATED as staff photographer/writer/editor. I didn’t hate the work- it was the office culture that was sucking out my soul! Now I am a Work Culture Developer and founder of Your Happy Workplace.

What was your biggest takeaway from our work together?

It’s ok to feel the fear and doubt, then push forward anyway. I’ve also learned that there is no other me and no one doing what I am doing the exact way that I am doing it, so I need to stop looking around for others like me so I know it’s ok to be me. It’s already ok and I don’t need permission to be myself and work towards my purpose.

Think of someone who is currently in the shoes you wore when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her?

Stop putting off your dreams. Start now. Feel the fear and step forward anyway. We all have unique powers. The time to step into yours is now. The future you will thank you for it!

Is there anything that’s been a game-changer for you when it comes to your business that you can share? 

Recognizing that fear is not something to be conquered. Make friends with the fear, recognize it, experience it, realize where it comes from, then get on with your work. Don’t let it control your life and stop you from changing your life and living your purpose.

Where can we find you and your work?

Website: www.YourHappyWorkplace.com

Instagram: @YourHappyWorkplace

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/wendyconrad


Suzie Soloviev


Cliodhna Nolan