I sure hope so, ‘cause here they are in their own words!

Group 3 Group 3

Sheryl Gervais

“After six years of getting nowhere, I have a wonderful new biz”

I was so stuck on my own overthinking! I had worked out different plans on my own and only felt overwhelm, self-doubt, and paralysis. Having a clear path forward and milestones for the 90 days made all the difference in the world. After at least six years of tripping over myself, and getting nowhere, I have a wonderful new biz, with a growing list each week. While I still have moments of insecurity and self-doubt, I have better strategies to deal with them. I know that I am well set for success.

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Group 3 Group 3

Tanya Robinson

“I can DO this”

I was stuck with moving forward. I worked a lot of hours and felt like I had barely made movements towards the coaching career I wanted. With Michelle's energy and support through 90 Day Business Launch, I realized that all was well and that I could DO this. A few months later, I was still amazed that this business had come to life. A year later, I was asked to do a workshop at a retreat and it was a success. The work that I did during 90 Day Business Launch meant that I didn’t have to “think” about what I was gonna share. I only had to act.

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Group 3 Michelle Ward Group 3 Michelle Ward

Emily Marko

“I know the voice of my business finally!”

I’ve owned my business for 10 years and struggled with holding myself accountable, finding progress in the core foundation of my business, and figuring out a way to pull in more clients. Because of 90 Day Business Launch, I have a clearly defined core audience and a website that speaks to them! I've simplified my offerings and identified a clear marketing focus that I feel confident in implementing. I know the voice of my business finally! This program will be the catalyst to move your business forward.

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Group 3 Group 3

Katie Kervin

"I quit my job and am running and growing my business full-time"

I immediately gained a sense of clarity around the steps I needed to take to get my business off the ground, and a timeline to do so. Michelle's concrete plan after our daylong planning session, broken down into monthly tasks, was such a lifesaver. I immediately felt like this was a viable, marketable business and that I could absolutely succeed as a badass business lady! Less than 2 months after I launched, I quit my day job and am devoted full-time to growing and running my business! On my own I'm not sure I would be where I'm at now.

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Group 4 Rachel Rosenthal Group 4 Rachel Rosenthal

Courtney Fanning

“I had everything I needed to start taking on clients and making real money!”

After 90 days I had everything I needed to start taking on clients and making real money! It was such a relief to sit down everyday and know exactly what I was supposed to be working on next. I’ve continued to grow my business using the 90-day timeline. It’s such a good way to outline everything you need and want to do, while also allowing you to zoom out and take stock of the future.

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Group 4 Group 4

Yuki Tejima

“It gave my businesses instant direction”

90 Day Business Launch gave my business instant direction. I thought I had a rather complicated problem, of who I saw as my audience. Michelle helped me see my problem wasn't really a problem, and that it was something that can work to my advantage. Now, my website is finally up after years and years of trying to get it off the ground! I feel a security in knowing the work I do is real. I'm more confident working with my current clients, not noodling around with pricing, deadlines, expectations, but just saying, "Hello, this is what I do! Thanks so much." Thank you, Michelle, for your calm, absolutely confident and enthusiastic coaching and communication. It was such a joy to work with you!

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Group 4 Group 4

Tracy Lakshmi Cunningham

“I would still be staring at the blank page if not for this program”

Michelle got me solidly on the business part of the path to my passions. I would still be staring at the blank page had I not signed up for 90 Day Business Launch. It’s all part of a longer trajectory to a more fulfilling life than what I have been living now no matter what happens. I know there is more to learn, but even then I have excitement working on those mundane things because finally every piece of learning and work is mine and there to grow my OWN beautiful business.

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Group 4 Group 4

Anabell Bender

"First clients and first guest appearance”

I grew up with so many limiting beliefs about having your own business, that I didn't even think it was manageable. Michelle brought me to deeper thinking in a fun way and cleared me from this fog of questions and doubts. In just 3 months I had a clear business plan, my own business cards, my own website, and a program to offer. Soon after launching my business I got my first clients, quit my job and found a new one that better supports building my business, and had my first guest appearance in an online talk show!

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Group 4 Group 4

Carolyn Glasser

“Truly transformational”

90 Day Business Launch allows you to build your confidence along the way, and as you accomplish your tasks, you're ready for the next challenge. Michelle has been my personal fairy godmother, helping me make a plan (easily and quickly!) and providing the support and guidance I've needed at every step. I actually took action and did the work! The pride I have from getting to this point is priceless. I'm not the person I was a few months ago. Truly transformational!

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Group 4 Group 4

Suset Laboy-Perez

“A fantastic guide and brilliant facilitator”

I worked with Michelle years ago, and we had such a blast, and I derived so much clarity from our time together, that it was a no-brainer to work again with her to bring this new business to life! A Little Awareness would not be the living, breathing paradise it is without 90 Day Business Launch. Michelle is a fantastic guide and brilliant facilitator and she will steer you in the right way. Trust yourself and trust her.

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Group 4 Michelle Ward Group 4 Michelle Ward

Jennyann Cathern

“Joining 90 Day Business Launch changed everything”

I was stuck in an endless spiral of starting and stopping. I wasn't even clear on what I was offering and I was juggling multiple jobs without a way out! People would tell me all the time they love my art, but I didn't have any place for them to buy it, and most of it wasn't finished. I'd set goals, do the work, and then wouldn't take any further action towards my goals. Joining 90 Day Business Launch changed everything - not just in my business, but in terms of my mindset. I now know that I can achieve what I want if I just continue taking action towards my goals. It gave me a guide moving forward. As a result, I have a clear structure I can use over and over again to support my growth as an Artist and Business Owner. I haven't hit big numbers yet, but I now know how to get there. The biggest highlight was getting constant feedback and gaining a new network of friends who support one another in their business. I feel confident, and I believe I can do this more than ever.

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Group 4 Group 4

Lisa Townsend

“I was shocked it worked!”

I had many attempts to start a business firmly under my belt but ultimately always felt like I was on the wrong track. I didn't want to be lost in a sea of Facebook Groups and email lists anymore, I wanted targeted, focused help that was just for me. I also needed a plan to keep me on the straight and narrow because I am easily distracted by the shiny things in life! At the end of 90 Day Business Launch, I had a website ready to be launched, an empty email list ready to be filled and an offer ready to be signed up to. And I was shocked it worked, getting 3 clients that same month! What I hadn't counted on, though, was my new work ethic. I had proven to my inner critic that I could use my limited time and energy to work in very small steps, single parent my kids, work my full time job and still be launch ready. I know that if I hadn't been part of the 90 Day Business Launch I would have given up. I wouldn't have believed it was possible.

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Group 5 Group 5

Jacqualyn Jackson

“In 3 months I was able to accomplish more than I had in a year ‘preparing’ for my launch”

I was stuck in a time-consuming job with little direction for how to launch my business successfully. I had attained an LLC and domain name but had not built a website, gone public with my offers, nor received any payment for my services. Because of 90 Day Business Launch, my site and logo are very professional and my public presence is far beyond what I'd accomplish on my own. I needed the community, accountability, and the deadline to achieve my goals. Michelle believed in me. The women in the group believed in me. I am now believing in myself more, scared as hell for the future but knowing the universe and my fellow Launchers always have my back. In 3 months I was able to accomplish more than I had in a year "preparing" for my launch. Thank you so much Michelle for all you have done to assist me in reaching my goals!

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Group 5 Group 5

Larissa D'Silva

“I finally feel like I have a strong foundation to build my business on”

I had no idea how to set up a website, find clients, adopt a CEO mindset, and make money. I tried to put together and launch a website for four years and just couldn't get it done. I was overwhelmed, big time. Because of this program, my website was done in a few months and it's something I'm super proud of sharing! Michelle treats your ideas with so much love, respect and care and also gives so many tough love reality checks. And sharing space with other motivated, driven, multi-passionate women was just what I needed - it felt amazing to know I wasn't alone. Now, I finally feel like I have a strong foundation to build my business on.

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Group 5 Group 5

Kat Poulos

“Made me accountable to do the damn thing already!”

“90 Day Business Launch made me accountable to do the damn thing already! Being stuck on the details have held me prisoner before, and it was such a relief not to be enslaved to that. I did what I was supposed to do and launched my business, coming out with friends in the process. The connection of this group was special (and that's an underestimate). Michelle attracted the right energy and gave awesome coaching.”

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Group 5 Group 5

Christine Soja

“I feel hopeful and prepared that this business will grow, plus I have a plan”

I felt tired, frustrated and lost, like I had this dream to build a business but I didn’t know if it could be real. Because of 90 Day Business Launch, I am excited instead of embarrassed to talk about this business. The group was so helpful when problems came up, and I feel amazed at what I put together. I feel hopeful and prepared that this business will grow, plus I have a plan. It feels like a kind of coming out... I am an entrepreneur, I have built something that I feel proud to share, I feel confident it will grow, I feel amazed at what I put together!

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Group 5 Michelle Ward Group 5 Michelle Ward

Lindsey Jo Scott

“Opportunities that actually feel aligned with what I do, who I am, and what I care about”

I started my business seven years ago, but felt limited by what I could do. I was spinning my wheels and overwhelmed with what to focus on next. On my own, I was having a hard time understanding how my dream offer could actually be a business, and I was trying to do ALL THE THINGS at once. As a result of this program, I finally have an expansive vision aka "umbrella idea" of what my business can be. My website actually feels like ME and I feel proud to show it off and excited for the space to evolve too. Because I have consistent branding and marketing plans now, I've been able to generate more content without overthinking it and my marketing feels way more fun and easy. More than anything, being part of this program helped me believe that I can trust myself. I am the CEO of not only my business, but also my life. Within the support of the group, I was also able to loosen my grip on perfectionism and practice being seen. I feel a lot of freedom in that. Just a few weeks post-launch, I've already left behind freelance gigs in order to pursue my real heart-work of teaching and coaching and taking on design projects that actually excite me, instead of just saying yes to anything and everything. I've also started writing a bit for publications and I have plans to pursue some public speaking opportunities. I've even received some invitations for workshop collaborations and teaching opportunities that actually feel aligned with what I do, who I am, and the topics I care about. It finally all feels possible within the big umbrella that is my business now.

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Group 5 Group 5

Colleen Rothbauer

“Finally feel like I’m going somewhere in my life and am enjoying every step on the way”

I felt stuck in my career. On the outside everything seemed great, but on the inside I couldn't bear the thought of continuing in this hamster wheel for the next 20-odd years. I developed a fuzzy business idea but it was so overwhelming that I didn't even know where to start. I needed an unbiased professional opinion, support in organizing my ideas and ultimately help on building the business. I came across 90 Day Business Launch and recognized myself in the countless women Michelle had supported. I joined the program, and it gave me everything I needed to believe in myself and in my ideas! Plus the blueprint to actually launch a business within 90 days. Absolutely f***ing amazing! Without Michelle I would have spent many more months on researching everything needed to build a creative business, feeling totally overwhelmed, lost and alone. Then, I most likely would have given up on the whole idea and stayed in my hamster wheel forever. But instead, I was able to build the groundwork for my business, and am so proud of myself and my fellow launchers! I now know that I can figure out everything, one step at a time. And that gives me deep confidence. I finally feel like I'm going somewhere in my life and am enjoying every single step on the way - even the hard ones!

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Group 5 Group 5

Erin Schalk

“Greatly helped me stay accountable and on-track, hitting each milestone and reaching launch day”

I knew that I craved more time freedom, control over my own schedule and potential for earnings. Through the program, I gained (1) greater clarity on the ideas behind my business and the audience I wish to serve, as well as (2) an actionable plan to write copy, build a website, and begin marketing. Without 90 Day Business Launch, I know it would have taken me months or years to figure everything out on my own. Michelle and the program broke down the major steps we each needed to take, making goals doable and achievable in a relatively short time frame, and taking out lost time and frustrations due to trial-and-error. Being a part of the 90 Day Business Launch group also greatly helped me in terms of staying accountable and on-track, hitting each milestone and reaching launch day. I am currently in the process of working with my first two clients, and I am proud of the professionalism of my website, copy, opt-in -- everything! I have greater confidence because of this experience; I feel like I can continue to model this structure with both my business and personal goals and continue to see positive results.

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Group 5 Michelle Ward Group 5 Michelle Ward

Emily Pantel

“My business was a dream for 5 years, and in just 90 days it came to life”

My business was a dream for 5 years, and in just 90 days it came to life beyond what I could have imagined. I know that my business is built to last because I built it in a sustainable way that’s authentic to me. Michelle assembled the kindest, most generous and brilliant group of women for this program, and I now have a community of my fellow launchers to support one another ongoing. Within 1 week of launching, I received my first speaking invitation! 6 months later, I am so in love with my business. I look forward to working on it every day and feel super connected to what I’m building. My offer has been magical for my clients and for me as well. I am learning so much and enjoying the process of integrating and applying it all. My level of confidence as a new business-owner wouldn’t have been possible without this program. It is truly worth every penny.

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